2024 Baptism Preparation

Posted: March 11, 2024


Please work through everything on this page & plan to participate in our Baptism Class on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 from 6:30-7:45pm. Wednesday Night Family Dinner is also available starting at 6:00pm. The Educational pieces and more clarification on the testimony will happen at the meeting, too.

We are excited you are interested in baptism. This Baptism Preparation page is designed for children and some youth. If you are an older youth or adult, please contact Pastor Jason directly for Baptism Preparation Steps.

Christian baptism is a sacrament signifying participation by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and incorporation into His Body, the Church. It is a means of grace proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

The Apostle Paul declares that all who are baptized into Christ Jesus are baptized into His death. We are buried with Him through baptism so that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too are raised to walk in newness of life. As we have been united with Him in His death, we will also be united with Him in His resurrection.”

Step 1: Watch Video

If you are interested in baptism, watch this video for a great, brief overview of the purpose and process.

Watch Video (on Youtube)

Step 2: Statement of Faith

STEP 2: If you are still interested in baptism, please take some moments to review the Apostle’s Creed. This gives an overview of our basic faith beliefs. On the day you are baptized, the Pastor will read these statements and ask if you a few questions. Don’t worry, the pastor will tell you exactly the words to say in response. But, it’s good to make sure that you know what you say we believe and want to participate!

1. Apostle’s Creed

“We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth;

“And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

“We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Church of Jesus Christ, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.”

House, Nazarene Publishing . Church of the Nazarene Manual 2017-2021 . Nazarene Publishing House. Kindle Edition.

2. Questions:

Everyone being baptized this day will be asked these questions as a group to respond simultaneously.

Pastor: Will you be baptized into this faith?

Response: I will.

Pastor: Do you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and do you believe that He saves you now?

Response: I do by faith.

Pastor: As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, will you follow Him all the days of your life, growing in grace and the love of God and neighbor?

Response: I will with God’s help.

Step 3: Write a Testimony

STEP 3: If you have completed Step 1 & Step 2, which includes making sure that you have accepted the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, you are almost ready!

1. Write a Testimony

After the Pastor has everyone answer the few questions, each person will enter the water one-at-a-time, be baptized, and leave the water to dry. As you enter the water, someone that you have chosen, will read your testimony.

How do you write a testimony? I’m so glad you asked! It needs to be VERY short for baptism. In fact, it can just be one sentence per section. Here is a great outline to follow from an online resource.

“A three-point approach is very effective in communicating your personal testimony. This outline focuses on before you trusted Christ, how you surrendered to him, and the changes in your life since you began walking with him.

Before: Simply tell what your life was like before you surrendered to Christ. What were you searching for before coming to know Christ? What was the chief problem, emotion, situation, or attitude you were dealing with? What motivated you to seek a change? What were your actions and thoughts at the time? How did you try to satisfy your inner needs? (Examples of inner needs are loneliness, fear of death, insecurity, etc. Possible ways to fill those needs include work, money, drugs, relationships, sports, other unhealthy relationships.) Remember to use concrete, relatable examples.

How: How did you come to salvation in Jesus? Simply tell the events and circumstances that caused you to consider Christ as the solution to your searching. Take time to identify the steps that brought you to the point of trusting Christ. Where were you? What was happening at the time? What people or problems influenced your decision?

Since: How has your life in Christ made a difference? How has his forgiveness impacted you? How have your thoughts, attitudes, and emotions changed? Share how Christ is meeting your needs and what your relationship with him means to you now.”
Our recommendation is to write one sentence for before, one sentence for how, and one sentence for since (or a few short ones)

Here is an example that could have numerous variations:
My whole life my family went to church. But, I didn’t really know Jesus or believe in Him. I didn’t have peace.
I asked my parents about it and they told to me about Jesus and how he forgives us of all the things we do to keep us from God.
I prayed with them about it and believe in Jesus (or am forgiven).
I want to be baptized today to show everyone that I love Jesus.

2. Email Testimony to Pastor

Email your written up testimony with your FULL NAME at the top. For me that would be: Jason Allen Evoy. When you are baptized, the pastor will say something like: “Jason Allen Evoy, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Of course, I will use your name… baptizing myself… I don’t think that’s a thing. After I say that, I will lean you back, fully under the water for a second or two and bring you back up!

Pastor Jason’s Email: pastorjason@nikiskinazarene.com

Step 4: Closing Video & Final Steps

1. Watch Video on Youtube

2. Final Notes:

  • Please bring a towel and a change of clothes.
  • Please do not wear a white t-shirt.
  • Remember to ask someone important to you to read your testimony and give them a copy in advance.
  • When Pastor Jason receives your email testimony and name, he will also call you to confirm, and meet to answer any other questions.

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