Everyone of us is on a journey of faith. We  are either moving away from God or toward a more intimate relationship with God.


At Nikiski Church of the Nazarene, we believe God desires to be in relationship with everyone. We have freedom as we receive forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Our lives are transformed as we surrender to the guiding and leading of the Holy Spirit.


Our discipleship ministries provide opportunities, as individuals, families, and the church to become more passionate followers of Jesus, grow in our faith, and experience a deeper wholeness in Christ.

Discipleship Resources

Adults (& Families)

Our adult discipleship options are on Wednesday night following our family dinner & a Thursday morning women’s study during the regular school year. Other opportunities for discipleship include pastoral counseling, special classes, and other events.

For more information, see our most recent Newsletter or Update in our News & Updates area.

Students (Youth)

Our student ministry is for middle school & high school student. We meet regularly on Wednesday nights during the school year. We periodically have other events, retreats, and conferences as well.

For more information, see our most recent Newsletter or Update in our News & Updates area. 

Children (& Nursery)

Our children’s ministry meets on Sunday morning after the main music portion of our community worship.

Children also meet on Wednesday nights during the school year.

For more information, see our most recent Newsletter or Update in our News & Updates area. 

News & Updates

Our church isn't a building, although we are grateful for our facility. The church is God's family joining together around a shared mission of being God's people in this world, in our nations, in our communities. 

Our News & Updates area is where we communicate about events, updates, announcements, newsletters, and other church family information in more detail.