2023 Spring | Youth Discipleship

2023 Spring | Youth Discipleship

WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER & DISCIPLESHIP 6:00-6:30pm | Dinner6:30-7:30pm | Youth in the Fish Factory Our student ministry theme for Spring 2023 (through May 10, 2023). “NUA:Origins aims to provide a learning environment that empowers young people to engage with...
2023 Spring | Women’s Bible Study

2023 Spring | Women’s Bible Study

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY @ Nikiski Church of the Nazarene Thursdays from 8:30am-9:45amĀ  Starts March 23 through May Now That Faith Has Come | Beth and Melissa Moore lead you on a 6-week excursion to Galatia to learn more about the community that inspired Paul’s...